by Joan Findley-Perls
Average temperatures range from the upper 30’s at night to day me highs around 70 degrees. By the end of April, temperatures have climbed to a range of mid-40’s to mid-70’s. The mean snowfall is one-half inch, and rain is slightly less than that. The average last freeze is April 18th in the Heights, but frost can occur any me through the first week of May in town, especially in the Valley. In the East Mountain area, the average last frost date is around June 1st. What’s Blooming The last of the fruit trees are in bloom: peach, crabapple, cherry, and nectarine. Forsythia, snowball, golden currant, viburnums, and other flowering shrubs are in their glory. The wisteria is in full bloom, and the lilacs have budded. Fragrant hyacinths are blooming, the daffodils are at their peak, and tulips are coming on strong. Spring perennials begin their bloom: Japanese anemone (A. japonica), creeping Phlox (P. subulata), blue flax, and ajuga (a really great groundcover). April is blossoms. April is late freezes – and usually the loss of the apricot crop. But not always! April is rarely showers. April is the windiest month in Albuquerque.
March 2018
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